Frequently asked questions

What is e currency?

E-currency is money that is exchanged on computers. "E" is the first letter of the word "electronic" and "currency" is a money system. You can think of e-currency as Internet money. Buying and selling products and services on the Internet is possible because of e-currency.

I have bitcoins or Perfect Money, how can i sell to you?

After succesful registration, on your dashboard click "sell now", select e currency (BTC). Then fill the below form to place an order.

How can i buy bitcoins or perfect money?

Register, Click "Buy Now", select your preferred e currency then fill the form below to place a buy order. make payments to the Account details as displayed in the order process. Alternatively, check transaction details sent to your email.

How long does it take to fund my Account?

After a successful sell order, your account will be funded within 24 hours after we confirm your transaction.

What is the minimum buy or sell order?

The minimum buy or sell order is $10.

What are your business hours?

We work Mondays to Saturdays 7am to 9pm, Saturdays 9am to 4pm, Sundays 12pm to 4pm.

Other issues?

Kindly use the contact form or contact